Step by Step on Completing the Grant Application

  • Enter your email.

    example:, etc

    You can choose to opt in for newsletters.

  • Select the application fee. Entering another amount less than the application will not guarantee selection.

  • Choose either Debit Card Option or Paypal.

    With Debit card option, enter your card number, expiration and CVC code. Acceptable cards: Dollar account, Visa or Mastercard.

    For example:

    Card Number: 1234 1234 1234 1234

    Expiration: 01/01

    CVC: 123

    With Paypal Option, please sign up for Paypal and follow steps via

  • Enter your billing option.

    Billing info should consist of Name, Address, country, postal code, city, state and phone number.

    For Example:

    First Name: Jane

    Last Name: Joe

    Address 1: 7 Alafia Lane

    Grant Country: Nigeria

    Postal Code: 102216

    City: Lagos

    State: Lagos

    Phone Number: 801 234 5678 or 901 234 5678. Phone number should only be 10 digits.

  • Under Additional Information, pick what country you are applying from, enter your IG page or NA if your dont have one, answer all 3 questions, acknowledge application fee.

  • Review & Donate by submitting your application.

Tips on Writing a Grant Application

  • Understand our mission, goals, and priorities.

  • Make sure you read and follow these instructions meticulously. Ignoring the guidelines can result in your application being disqualified.

  • Begin the application process well in advance of the deadline. This gives you ample time to gather all necessary information, write thoughtfully, and revise your application. Rushing through the process can lead to mistakes.

  • Why is it important to you?

    Why do you need this Grant?

  • State the problem and your solutions - Clearly articulate the problem or need

    Evaluate and Measure Success - Explain how you will evaluate your project's success and measure its impact. Include both quantitative and qualitative metrics. This demonstrates your commitment to achieving results and provides a way to report

  • Avoid jargon and technical terms that might not be familiar to all readers. Be concise but thorough in your explanations, providing enough detail to convey your message without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary information.

  • Before submitting your application, thoroughly proofread it for spelling, grammar, and clarity. Consider having colleagues or mentors review it as well, as they might catch errors you've overlooked and offer valuable feedback.

Get a Molara Foundation Grant